Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Being an early or later riser

  1. watch out

  2. crack of down - very early hour

  3. up at the crack of down

  4. stoop - area outside front doors

  5. ungodly hour - very early in the morning, too early

  6. turn over a new leaf - new phase to begin

  7. be in habit of something

  8. stay up - to be awake all night

  9. sleep-deprived very tired

  10. deprive - withholding something

  11. to make the switch

  12. night owl - awake very late at night

  13. early riser -person that gets up early

  14. a change man

  15. commendable - admirable

  16. the early bird gets the warm

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jury Duty

Last Thursday 11/4/2010 went to Brooklyn court for jury duty. Got dismissed and waiver for 8 years :)